Friday, August 19, 2016

End of the Year Portfolio {a Homeschool D.I.Y.}

Earlier this year, while listening to a podcast from Sarah McKenzie, my heart jumped at one of her inspirational ideas to create an end of the year portfolio. 
This was one of those I wish I'd been doing this for the past ten years moments.

but it's never too late to start though, right?! Right!!

These portfolio's aren't anything fancy, just personal, which is exactly what I wanted.
I made mine similar to Sarah's, which you can read all about on her blog, Amongst Lovely Things.

I chose to include artwork, a narration sample, book/poetry list, along with photo's of special moments from the year. I think the best part was asking each child what specific highlights of the year were for them.

Compiling these folders encouraged my heart tremendously! Revisiting the moments from the year truly allowed me to conceptualize the beauty we had in our days.

  These portfolio's are such an encouraging reminder of each child's personal efforts and
highlights of my children's life captured, well that's priceless.  

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