Sunday, April 10, 2011

introducing Sweet Pea

I've been away for a bit. I suppose moving twice in six weeks, and having a newborn will do that.

Our Sweet Pea blessed our lives earlier this year! As you can imagine, my life for the past 10 yrs has been boys, boys, boys. I absolutely love it! Life is always loud,  full of laughter, legos, and silly made up quotes.

Sweet Pea's timing is perfect. Absolutely perfect! I'm smitten. She is my best friend! I love her deeply!!

This beautiful picture was taken by the very talented, Sandy Shaffer. I cried when the first time I saw it!
                               It perfectly reflects my heart. I will treasure this moment always.


                   We are beyond thankful that our lives have been blessed with this sweet Little One!

                      The Father knew what an extremely precious gift she would be to our family!

                                                   Our love for her is indescribable. 


oneilfamily said...

Congrats Congrats! Where are you guys living? I am due June 9th with our fifth...don't know what we are having. What a sweet little girl I am so excited for you.
Love, Lauri

Unknown said...

hellooo Lauri; what a joy to hear from you! CONGRATULATIONS on your little one to arrive *very soon*!
we are still in the same area; just moved for more sq. ft.
i'd love to bring you a meal & see you soon. hugs!