Wednesday, August 1, 2018

back to school {soft start}

 It's the first day of August and many are preparing for a new school year...
Whether your kiddos are in a traditional public / private school or homeschooled, reading truly does nurture the soul; and while we're hanging onto summer a bit longer, we're also easing into a gentle daily rhythm with Morning Time and Quiet Individualized Reading Time. 

This year our family was surprisingly blessed with a new addition to our family!
It's been seven years since I've schooled with a newborn in the mix, and I've been overwhelmed with even where to begin covering
However, in the quiet moments during the middle of the night feedings, the Father gently spoke.
He reminded me of pursuing peace and rest, not rigor. The beauty of togetherness at the start of our day.

During this season of acclimating to a new pace of life, Morning Time continues to be the best part of our days! I'm seriously amazed at how gathering around the living room for the next chapter of our read aloud, sets the tone for the rest of our day!!  

Currently, you'll only find us reading as we ease into this new season of "life schooling",
Secretly though, our revolving book basket is packed full of curriculum.
This year we will be studying Countries and Cultures, animal habitats, and solidifying grammar skills, so this basket will be continuously full of living books thanks to our local library! 

You can read about our previous year with Morning Time and what Morning Time is all about here. 

What about you? How do you ease back into school?
Does your family read aloud or have an individual quiet reading time? 
Leave me a comment...I'd love to hear from you!

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